Audacious Dynamic Playlist powered by inotify
July 13, 2010 at 12:22 AM | categories: python, linux | View Comments
I was playing around with StreamRipper today to record a shoutcast stream I enjoy, and I thought to myself: wouldn't it be nice to be able to continuously play all the files I've downloaded without having to manually queue the new files in Audacious?
So, I scratched an itch. With a little DBUS, pyinotify, and an optparse wrapper, I now have a tool to automatically add the tracks to my Audacious playlist. You can grab the latest version on github.
Streamripper does have a relay option (-r) to allow you to listen to the same stream as you're ripping it, and if that's what you want, the following script is superfluous. However, what I wanted was something slightly different: I didn't necessarily want to just listen to the stream live, instead, I wanted the ability to jump around between the tracks already downloaded, exploring different songs, but with the list of tracks ever expanding. That's what this script allows.
You'll need python-dbus and setuptools installed, then just install with:
Startup StreamRipper with your favorite audio stream and point the tool at your target directory:
python -m ec_audacious.dynamic_filesystem_playlist /path/to/your/streamripper_location
Now when StreamRipper creates a new file, it will get automatically (instantaeneously actually, thanks to inotify!) to your Audacious playlist.
Alternatively, you can use the streamripper wrapper script that I've included to start both the filesystem monitor as well as streamripper in one go:
Put the following in your .bashrc file or somewhere equivalent:
alias streamripper="python -m ec_audacious.streamripper"
Then whenever you run streamripper, you'll actually be running the wrapper script instead:
streamripper --audacious
By aliasing streamripper to point to the ec_audacious.streamripper wrapper script, we're effectively adding a new option to streamripper called --audacious which spawns our filesystem monitor.